Category: Internships Abroad

Nutrition Internships Abroad

Career Outcomes For Food Science, Nutrition & Engineering Internships

Food science is a broad discipline concerned with applying scientific studies, such as biology...

How To Find Pre-Physician Assistant Internships

How To Find Pre-Physician Assistant Internships

There are many things to consider when applying for a physician assistant (PA) position...

8 Reasons Why Internships Are A Must For Physician Assistants

Physician assistants work closely with doctors and other healthcare professionals as a vital part...

10 Best Optometry Schools in the US

What are the best 10 optometry schools in the United States? Knowing which educational...

The Top 7 Study Abroad Destinations in 2024

With vaccine rates on the rise and in-person classes resuming around the globe, students...

10 Best Dental Schools in the US

10 Best Dental Schools in the US

Here at International Medical Aid, we talk a lot about medical school. Today, we’re...

Being a Pre-Med Student While in High School

Preparing to Be a Pre-Med Student While You’re in High School

Preparing for medical school can begin as soon as you know (or think) you...

How to Get Patient Care Hours for PA School (Without A Certification)

Are you paving your way to PA school? Becoming a physician assistant is a highly-rewarding...

Volunteering in Tanzania: Tips

Volunteer In Tanzania: Info And Tips

Whenever Tanzania is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the annual...

Best Volunteer Projects in Tanzania

Things To Know Before You Volunteer In Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the most famous countries in Africa, thanks to factors like...