As I reflect on my experiences with International Medical Aid (IMA) at Coast General Hospital, I am reminded of an ancient African proverb, “seeing is different than being told”. This priceless Internship placement with IMA has shed more light onto this age-old saying. I am still in disbelief, as I reflect on my encounters with patients, healthcare members, and health systems. Some experiences were as if they were drawn straight from Global Health textbooks, while other clinical presentations were so uncommon, it baffled even the most senior of nursing staff. In the States, I have been a practicing Nurse in the perioperative environment for over six years. However, my desire to help others globally is what initially propelled me into the nursing field since Iwas a young girl. This ambition, lead me to complete my Master of Global Health in 2018. However, a deeper curiosity remained, to hopefully yet experience and expand my theoretical knowledge of Global Health and Nursing. This calling eventually lead me to Mombasa, Kenya with International Medical Aid. This was such an incredible experience. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of doing. I grew in my self-beliefand determination to practice personal excellence. My experience in emergencies in the A&E, ICU, and Labor Ward has given me the confidence that I can act well under pressure and in fact, I enjoy it. I am a strong patient advocate. This experience has taught me that I am ready to change from practicing in the operating room to another specialty. This experience has also reinforced my passion and desire to work in Global Health. Additionally, I learned that qualitative research is valuable in understanding the social networks among people and environments, and I wish to deepen my research skills. I learned so much about myself, however, my path is still unclear. Wherever my path may lead, I know that it was guided by the experiences shared with International Medical Aid at Coast General Hospital, and for this I am grateful.
My Experience Will Guide My Future Path
Corinna M
ISGlobal/Universitat de Barcelona

"Experience Challenged Me To Advocate for Better Healthcare for All"
Judy Birchmier
Morningside College
"Home Away from Home"
Sarah B.
University of Ottawa
"Forever Changed My Life and My Perspective on Healthcare"
Isabelle Hammack
San Francisco State University
"Loved Every Aspect of Working with International Medical Aid"
Jessica Byrne
University of Delaware
"Coming Back to Kenya with IMA for a Second Time was the Best Decision"
Katie Fairhurst
University of Pittsburgh
"So Glad That I Took the Leap and Applied for International Medical Aid"
Shana Thomas
Texas Tech University
"This Internship Gave Me Much More Than I Could Have Ever Asked For"
Alejandra Rivera
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
"Experience Will Make Me A Better Doctor"
Anna Marduy
União Metropolitana de Ensino e Cultura
"Kathleen M"
Kathleen M
Cleveland Clinic
"Last Six Weeks Have Both Exceeded and Challenged My Expectations"
Fiona Huang
University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
"Indescribable Experience on Personal and Professional Level"
Cassandra Carey
Niagara University
"Internship Has Motivated Me Beyond Belief"
Hannah Cantwell
Rhodes College
"Internships Allowed Me to Develop a Deeper Appreciation for Medicine"
Ivy Klabunde
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
"Roots of Change"
Emma Marchese
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Blessed with This Opportunity and All Its Teachings"
Cleyling Lassalle
University of South Florida
"Program Taught Me So Much About Healthcare Delivery"
Davidson College
"Experience in Kenya Strengthened My Resolve to Pursue a Career in Healthcare"
Brenn Manwaring
Brigham Young University
"Best Experience of My Life"
Chloë Jay
Bellevue College/Redmond Care and Rehabilitation Center
"Internship Impacted Me in Ways I Never Expected"
Katherine Chen
McMaster University
"Incredible Experience with International Medical Aid"
California State University of Fullerton
"Productive, Engaging, and Humbling Internship Experience"
Patrick M
University of California, Los Angeles
"Entirely Different and Remarkable Experience"
Carly Wiltshire
Registered Nurse, Convalescent Home of Winnipeg
"Experience Validated My Desire to Pursue Medicine"
Abinaa Chandrakumar
University of Toronto
"IMA’s program is the best decision I ever made"
Cassidy Welsh
Memorial University of Newfoundland
"By Far One of the Greatest Experiences of My Life"
Asia Williams
Prairie View A&M University
"Learned More Than I Could Have Ever Asked For"
Anna M
NAW Berlin
"Incredible Experience, Can’t Wait to go Back to Kenya"
Anna Hollas
Stephen F. Austin State University
"Quality Program with Enriching Opportunities"
Thomas Suh
Saint Louis University
"My Invaluable Experiences both Inside and Outside the Hospital Reinvigorated my Fantasy to Become a Field Doctor"
Morningside College
"Incredibly Eye-Opening and Worthwhile Experience"
Cleveland Clinic